About AMWS


Our Purpose

The purpose of AMWS shall be to promote the profession and understanding of wetland science in Massachusetts and to support the public interest by: 1. Developing and maintaining high professional standards and a code of ethics and promoting their use by practicing wetland scientists; 2. Supporting and contributing to the expansion of wetland science research and encouraging the free exchange of scientific and technical information within the public and private communities; 3. Designing and developing programs to educate the membership and the public in the study of wetlands and the profession of wetland science; and 4. Contributing to sound public policy based upon the scientific understanding of wetlands.

Proposed Administrative Updates to AMWS Bylaws

The AMWS Bylaws have not been updated since 2011. The AMWS Board of Directors has proposed several administrative updates to bring the bylaws into concordance with how the organization is operating and would like to operate in the future. Membership will have the opportunity to vote on these changes at the 2024 AMWS Annual Meeting.
review here button

AMWS Board of Directors proposes corporate membership structure and fee change for calendar year 2025

Our History

We are a non-profit, tax-exempt, member-supported organization that was formed in 1991.

Our Membership

AMWS is comprised of wetland professionals from New England with diverse expertise in wetland functional analysis, mitigation planning, delineation, plant propagation, regulatory policy, research, and education. Our members are wetland scientists, soil evaluators, engineers, conservation commission agents, regulatory officials, and other environmental professionals.

Through standing and ad hoc committees, board meetings, and interaction with State and Federal regulators, members have the opportunity to provide scientific expertise that can help shape State and Federal wetland policies and regulations. Our educational workshops, internet presence, and publications make us a leader in wetland protection.

Code of Conduct

  1. An AMWS member shall place wetland science and public welfare above personal considerations in the course of conducting business.
  2. An AMWS member shall perform services only in areas of competence.
  3. An AMWS member shall avoid deceptive public announcements and acts.
  4. An AMWS member shall maintain the confidential nature of the client relationship.
  5. An AMWS member shall disclose any conflicts of interest to all concerned parties, in accordance with the Massachusetts State Board of Ethics regulations.
  6. An AMWS member shall make no representation on behalf of AMWS, except as authorized by the Board of Directors.
  7. An AMWS member shall not offer unsolicited advice to another wetland professionalā€™s active client.
  8. An AMWS member shall not publicly impugn the reputation of another wetland professional.
  9. An AMWS member shall base all peer reviews on applicable statute, regulation, guidance, and/or policy, and on the materials provided for review, including, but not limited to, the permit application and associated plans or data, site observations, public presentations, and other pertinent materials.
  10. An AMWS member engaged in or subject to a peer review shall act in an open, civil, and professional manner with all associated parties.